Cotton curtains are woven from natural materials, in which cotton accounts for the majority, so this is a type of curtain with good, diverse, durable material that is able to retain heat, absorb moisture, cool down and cool the room during the season. In the summer, on the contrary, it keeps the space warm in the winter.
Cotton curtains are diverse in designs, colors and patterns, bringing many choices to customers.
The technique of sewing curtains, curtain waves, needle lines, and stitches greatly determines the longevity and aesthetics of a set of curtains.
The standard dipping rate for fabric curtains should be at least 1m of wall = 2.7 – 3.0m of fabric. If lower than this standard, curtain waves are often sparse, reducing light blocking, reducing aesthetics.
The dipping standard rate of chiffon curtain can be from 2.5 – 2.7m and depends on the chiffon material.